RETELEC System participates in Enerxétika 2022

RETELEC System participated in Enerxétika 2022, betting on energy efficiency in Galicia

– The company shows its extensive portfolio of solutions that make it possible to monitor facilities through APPs, in addition to all the equipment and infrastructure that promotes photovoltaic self-consumption, electric vehicle recharging, etc.

Retelec System has opted for presence and the generation of networking with the sector. A line of work that continues in 2022 in the first sector event of the year: Enerxétika. The Energy and Environment fair was held from February 3 to 5 at the Feira Internacional de Galicia Abanca venue, in the Pontevedra town of Silleda.

At its stand B14, the Spanish firm unveiled complete systems for photovoltaic generation, technologies for the monitoring and management of energy installations, as well as Electric Vehicle chargers, quality and management of electrical networks and the usual electrical equipment in its portfolio. Solutions that demonstrate the leadership of the Retelec brand by providing solutions designed for the installation business.

The Enerxétika fair highlights sustainability, energy efficiency and renewable energies, in an event that enhances the visibility of Retelec among all the professionals that make up the value chain in energy management and renewable generation.

In the words of Amador Valbuena, CEO of Retelec System: “at Enerxétika we promote the Galician market, bringing engineers and installers in the area a portfolio designed for projects of all sizes, with solutions that connect with the professionals who promote renewable energies. , sustainable mobility and energy efficiency, every day.”

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